backloggery now playing

backloggery now playing
now playing on the backlog

Sunday 28 April 2013

More of the same pretty much only you're not Colin McRae any more, looks a little bit nicer and with a bit more tinkering in between stages and you have to do challenges to unlock better parts. Only 1/3 or the length though because it only required the completion of 1 championship to hit the credits. Calling it there.

Another excellent title in the Wipeout series. Much better than Pure because of the interesting race grid campaign that mixed up the race types. Also the first appearance of the Zone mode which is so simple yet such a great concept where you control a craft you cant stop and it constantly gets faster and faster so it's a game of survival. Graphics also another big step up from Wipeout Pure and all the ships and tracks are highly detailed and gorgeous. Handling also feels spot on just like Pure and Wipeout 3 did which let me compete in the fastest Phantom class again. Wipeout Fusion is just seeming like a worse and worse game with weirder and weirder handling the more of the series I play. In game photo mode was also a very nice addition that every game should have letting you pause at any time and take an awesome snapshot.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Fun rallying action reminding me of good old times rallying on the PSX, but it did seem like like there were too many seasons in the championship and it started to drag when you were doing the same rallys for the 3rd time in a row. Also, exceedingly difficult in the later seasons. Even when I had boot to board the whole way through, I was still up to 30 seconds behind in most stages. Don't know how the hell I was meant to keep up unless there were more upgrades I had to unlock. But despite the lengthy duration, ripping through forests at 90 mph is still always fun.

Friday 19 April 2013

Very curious little game. Knew it was going to be a mind fuck, but not on this scale. Strongly influenced by Silent Hill. And when I say "strongly influenced", I mean it's a essentially. 2D 16-Bit version of Silent Hill. The mental health mechanics are quite interesting and lead to 3 different endings. Think I got the middle one... It was a good bit easier than the Silent Hill games though due to some convenient escape clauses for ammo and health. But still very tense, atmospheric and quite scary. Still trying to wrap my head round the actual plot...seems to be a trend recently in indie games that they have supremely obscure plots. Humble Bundle win for sure.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Major head trip. Was convinced this whole game was some kind of hallucinagenic mind trip but it turned out to be very different indeed. Quite short, but extremely hard so progress was very slow. Thankfully, following the likes of VVVVVV and Super Meat Boy, restarting is instant after death so it will be a long time before frustration sets in. Besides from that, immensely fun, brutal, bloody, makes you feel like a total bad ass (when you finally win that is), and the soundtrack. Oh man, the soundtrack. Pure 80s synth heaven. Very cool. Very cool indeed.

Much more enjoyable than Wipeout Fusion. Like the return to the more traditional racing style and class set-up of the older Wipeouts. Also very pretty looking, especially for a launch PSP title. Think this also looked a lot better than Wipeout Fusion... Providing all the usual Wipeout thrills starting off slow but getting very fast very fast. Lots of extra tracks and ships available via DLC which is a nice addition. Some of the best ships were amongst the DLC ships. Might come back to this some day to do more of the optional stuff, but for now I will leave it with having finished up to Rapier class (the 4th of 5 speed classes) because the last, Phantom class, is obscene. There is a slight lack of screenshots for this title due to the PSP's tendency to lock up while taking them, so I didn't want to chance too many especially given this game's difficulty. Probably will have to go back to Wipeout Fusion at some point. But after being reminded how awesome the good games in the series are, I'm not so keen to go back to that bad one.

Sunday 14 April 2013

Did not care for this one as much as I did the Mario Golf on GBC. Might have been the bone-shattering difficulty and fiddliness of actually getting the shot to go where it's pointing. Enjoyable in the early courses, but the later ones just got maddeningly difficult with way too many hazards and tiny islands to aim for. Also preferred the way you built up your own character in the GBC one rather than just using a stock character. But apart from those problems, still an enjoyable golf game. As long as you can stay on the fairways...

Friday 12 April 2013

A little different from other games in the Time Crisis series. Only 1 gun and hiding behind a shielded by default rather than pressing a button to duck under cover. Apart from that, classic light gun action. That killed my CRT TV... Mere minutes after finishing this, the TV started making weird noises, made a popping sound and then went up in smoke.

Fun classic light gun action. Very tricky though...

Wow. Pure 80'sgasam. Multiple ones every time I played. The music, the scenery, the enemies, the script composed entirely of one-liners, the guns taken from and named after action movies and heroes, Kyle Reese as the main character, the comic book cutscenes. Just so much 80's cheese. Loved it. Mechanically, pretty much identical to Far Cry 3 (runs on the same engine) but how it captured the atmosphere of 80's cheese action films is 100% perfect. Can't reccomend this one enough. Play it. Just everyone play it. Now.

Thursday 4 April 2013

Awesome little game with lots of charm and character. Captured the essence of classic retro adventure games very nicely. With atmospheric retro tunes too. Much more to unlock too. Fun through and through up until the end boss(es) which were a touch cheap. Other than that, pretty much faultless. Definite Humble Bundle win.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

So. Unbelievably. Fucking. Hard. And not even in an enjoyable way like Super Meat Boy. This was just a merciless unyielding and cheap kind of hard. Because of my experience with Bit.Trip Beat which would allow you multiple hits before death, this one allows one hit and then puts you back to the start of the level. Despite having what appears to be health pick ups, you can only ever take one hit and you go back to the start of the level. And unlike Super Meat Boy where it will only take you 20-30 seconds tops to get back to where you were, some of the levels in this were minutes long. And one fuck up near the end will put you right back to the start. Just pure maddening. The style of the game did initially appeal to me but the cheap difficulty put me off it very quick. When you do get on a roll, it is a lot of fun, but those runs are usually short lived before you fall a cropper of yet another cheap death and reset to the start of the level. I was considering playing more of the Bit.Trip games but after this one, I will have to examine them more carefully to see if they are as cheap or not...Humble Bundle loss...