backloggery now playing

backloggery now playing
now playing on the backlog

Sunday 12 May 2013

Got this due to liking the original wondering how it would work out as a remake. Turned out to be a brilliant and charming little adventure. Great re-imagining of the original for a modern console generation. Much easier to get into too due to knowing what the beans do and being given examples of how and when to use them. Boss fights were also a very interesting twist. Some serious blob based challenging puzzles too and loved the final ultimate blob form. A lesser known Wii game that is definitely worth a look


  1. I've been wondering about this game for a while now - never played the original but it looks interesting. Adding it to my ever growing wish list/play queue.

  2. Yeah definitely worth your time. Lots of fun and quite easy going (apart from the tense boss fights) and fun. Quite different to most other stuff too.
