backloggery now playing

backloggery now playing
now playing on the backlog

Sunday 24 February 2013

Wow. Epic saga. Started off in the run down streets of the Grove in Los Santos and rose to fortune and fame through the countryside, San Ferrio, the desert and Las Venturas. With crazier and zanier missions as it went ranging from taking over airfields, commendering jets mid-air, stealing harriers, robbing military trains with a jet pack and much much more wackiness. Bought this on PS2 pretty much on release in 2004. But only getting round to playing it now 9 years later. And on PC. Haha. I can see why a lot of people complained about GTA 4 being too tame and small time after this huge production of mad scale. But they are very different games. 4 was a much more personal and localised story. Where as this was a state wide crazy journey of gigantic proportions.

Anyone who has missed this entry in the series: play it now.


  1. I loved this for a while, but to be honest I thought it was *too* big. Got bored once you had to traverse the countryside and never finished it.

  2. I know exactly what you mean. Some of the missions in the countryside and desert would have you driving for upwards of 10 minutes just to get to/from your destinations. But if you still have your save it's totally worth pushing through those more tiresome bits because it does get a lot lot better. At one point you buy your own airfield. And one later mission invloves using one of the aircraft that came on this airfield to catch up to an enemy jet, jump on to it, kill everyone on board, commandeer it and then land it back on your airfield. Enough said.

  3. haha, that does sound good. I think my save was on my original Xbox, which I no longer have. Might start it again once I get through Vice City though - I still have the game and it's BC on 360

    1. You got rid of your Xbox? What possessed you to do such a thing? Haha
