backloggery now playing

backloggery now playing
now playing on the backlog

Thursday 28 March 2013

Seeing as there is no hard and fast way to "win" this game, I called it a win after getting the population of my city, Cork, to 1 million as this was the closest thing the original Simcity had to a "win" condition. Left this one by the wayside not long after getting it 14 years ago. All the recent commotion about the new Simcity made me want to play it again though. Doesn't feel terribly different to Simcity 2000 (although I may be remembering it more advanced than it actually was). Only big differences really are that you don't have to manually run power lines everywhere, there's a few new building types and more landmarks and such. The advisers help you out a lot more than they used to as well making it quite easy to know what helps your sims. One minor complaint though: it's music lacks the awesomeness of Simcity 2000's music. I found myself humming the Simcity 2000 music while playing this. Or just having it looping through my head. Apart from that minor quibble, definitely a worthy successor to the Simcity 2000 throne. I hear that Simcity 4 was the peak of the series but not having played it, cannot pass judgement. And the new one is obviously a lost cause... And yes, those are the World Trade Centre twin towers in Cork. Yes, right next to a military base. Yes, this game was made pre 911 so it is not distasteful.

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