backloggery now playing

backloggery now playing
now playing on the backlog

Sunday 21 July 2013

Started this on 8th of December 2012. Took over 7.5 months to finish it on and off. Extremely slow start. Albeit not as slow as the first game which I abandoned completely out of sheer boredom. Not something I do too often. But it did pick up later on when the missions got more exciting. The developers seemed to slowly realise that they have to stop trying to be GTA and just be sheer nuts. Something which seems to have carried on to the 3rd and soon to be 4th games.

This was a decent enough sandbox shooter but felt like quite a lazy port and it was very hard to get the PC controls to sync up well to a keyboard or another controller. And as usual with games of this size and scope, it did have its fair share of bugs and glitches. But all that being said, once you got into the good missions, got good gear and vehicles and got some momentum going, it was a lot of fun moving through the missions and it did have a very good story involving the Saints taking over the town from 3 rival gangs and then a huge corporation. But far and away my biggest complaint was the padding used to make you require doing the optional side missions in order to earn the respect required to activate the main missions. So annoying. On to the next one in the series. It seems like it will be way less fluff and irritants and just much more madness.

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